Saturday, September 25, 2004

Another Hurricane

I pray again for those that may have already lost a loved one(s) to this unbelievable weather. I hope that this next hurricane will die out before it has the chance to ravage many places.

Just seeing the pictures of people in Gernada and Haiti was horrible. Hopefully something great will be done for those effected by these horrendous storms.

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Being Productive

It feels good completing things that I have been putting off for the longest. Little tasks that I didn't want to be bothered with like covering the wire rack in my bathroom cabinet to prevent my containers from falling through it. Little by little the house is coming along! The bathroom looks much more organized without all of my hair products on the counter. I know my hubby is happy (he can't stand clutter on the counter).

Friday After Next is on. I need a good laugh. I liked Friday better, but I can settle for this for a good laugh before starting the work week again. My hubby just changed from it. He kills me flippin' channels in the middle of things-radio and TV. He can be so indecisive. Love you anyway Sweetart! As I type he just changed again. Maybe I should have left him downstairs watching TV instead of inviting him up here with me. Okay, instead of Friday After Next, I guess we are going to watch Conan the Destroyer (anyway). Despite his indecisiveness I really do enjoy his company.

Monday, uhh! I'm not ready. God give me strength.


It's nice going out to the club when you are married. There is no pressure to dress up or look your best because you are trying to catch! My hubby and I went out tonight on a whim in shorts and t-shirts, and it felt good. It was funny watching people in their different mating rituals trying to catch; reminded me of a Discovery channel animal show.
We have not been out in awhile. It felt good to get out again and be a part of the nightlife. This was my first time to hang out in Fort Worth. Stone Canyon was pretty fun.

Friday, September 17, 2004

Thank God it is Friday

What a day! I spent an hour walking around in the hot sun because I was given vague directions to the building where I was to get my office key from. I would not have minded the walking at all usually, but I did not have on running shoes.

First, I end up at the wrong parking garage. You know the story, the signs labeling the garage were so little you can't read them until you are actually about to enter the garage. Well to my surprise my badge did not get me in. Why?? Could it be because I am not a Faculty Member. I was at the frickin Faculty garage. Then of course, someone drives up behind me. Surely they see that I can not enter the garage, right? Yeah right, this dude proceeds to sit there even after I kicked it in reverse trying to signal to him. That didn't work. So I figure if I pull forward he will let me slide and let me in. No, this guy pulls over a little bit so I can back out of this winding narrow road.

Now, mind you I drive very well, but backing up has always been a weak point. I know this, so this is the main reason why I make it a point not to back up for long distances. Well, now I am off to my challenge of backing down this winding narrow road, which mind you due to anxiety became even narrower and grew more turns. I make it out of the first stretch just fine. Then all of a sudden I feel a sudden jolt. That jolt was me jumping the curb. The damage could have been a lot worse, but I think it was bad enough considering my car is only 2.5 months old. Aint that a bitch! Now I have a scratched rim and a gashed in my tire. I guess things could have been worse. Oh yeah, they did get worse I had to walk an hour in cute shoes not tennis shoes to get my key to my new office.

At least now I am at home relaxing. My hubby doesn't feel well though, and he has to work from home tomorrow. So much for us going fishing.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Breast Cancer Awareness

Hi Everyone, would appreciate if you would send this to everyone you
know and get the word out there...we can beat this thing.
There are many women out there who have Breast cancer.
Let's do all we can to support this cause.
New Pink & White M&M's. The makers of M&M candies have teamed up with the
Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation to raise funds through the sale
of their new "pink & white" M&M candies.
For each 8-ounce bag of the special candies sold in September, October & November 2004 , the makers of M&M
(Masterfoods) will donate 50 cents to the foundation , up to $250,000.00. If you pass this
email around you will get no money, just the satisfaction of trying to
save a life. Please, pass this to every female and every male you know! The
next time you want a treat, please pick up a bag ( soon sold in stores nationwide)
- you will be donating to a great cause and satisfying your sweet tooth.
Please pass on to all your family and friends for who knows-the life you save one day may be your own, or that of a family or friend.
Thank you.

Woman Going Places

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Hurricane Ivan

As I watch and hear the news about this frightening storm I pray for the lives of those that this storm will affect.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Hats off to Patrick Deuel

I am really proud of this guy. I know many might say he had no choice but to admit himself to the hospital. Truth is he did have a choice between living and dying. Especially with all of the work it took others just to get him out of his home and to the hospital at his size. This man weighed 1,072 pounds! Walls had to be removed and a hospital bed, room and ambulance renovated and specially equipped to support his weight. For those who have not heard about this Patrick yet I strongly encouraged you to visit the link to learn about this wonderful man.
So many Americans are overweight these days. 31% of Americans are obese. That's frightening. Our society is so fast paced that everything is to-go especially our food. The faster the service the more most of us like it. Eating meals out of vending machines is not uncommon.
The problem is not just in adults, but now more than ever American children are overweight. I see children drinking sodas and eating bags of chips like they are going out of style. Then the big event of the day is to park in front of the TV and watch cartoons or play video games. No, every family is not guilty of this lifestyle, but so many families have fallen prey to this lifestyle. Healthy families are now a minority these days.

Yes, some of us will always have to battle weight because that is how we are made. On the other hand the rest of us just need to make some lifestyle adjustments. No one is saying we all need to be skinny, but I am saying that we need to become a healthier nation.
I do sincerely hope that Patrick and anyone else battling weight and weight related health problems succeeds. I hope that Patrick can get many of us to see that if he can do it then surely the rest of us can; I'm sure weighing significantly less than 1,072.

Sunday, September 12, 2004


I love the weekend! I just dread when my body comes to realization on Sunday that it is almost Monday, and the freakin work week must begin again.

My hubby and I had a nice relaxing weekend. We went out looking for ideas for our next home. That was fun!

Hopefully I can sleep all the way through the night tonight. This insomnia crap sucks!

Thursday, September 09, 2004


Oh how I can't stand it when I go to bed and can't sleep. Then experiencing the frustration because you know that you need to get some sleep so you can be able to function the next day. By time I fall asleep it will probably be time to get up. To make matters worse my hubby lays peacefully beside me gaining many ZZZZZs (get some for me Sweetart). The mean streak in me makes me want to kick him, but I won't.

Thank goodness for Adult Swim on Cartoon Network! At least I can laugh at Sealab 2021 until I finally decide to drift into sleep.

What a Day

Hmmm, work was work as usual. Controlling egotistical boss that wants to control me. (Sound familiar)? I could not sleep well last night because of my job, and my stomach won't stop grumbling and gripping at me. This stress can't be healthy, especially for a job that you don't enjoy. I need to get the lead out and take the GRE so I can get on the right career path. What I am witnessing in psychiatry I am not liking. Maybe it is just where I am, but these people do not seem to care about the patients. It seems to be more about how many titles you have associated with your name, how many papers you have published, and grants gained in your name. Whatever happened to being passionate about helping people? I mean really it is bad. This is part of the cause of my career confusion.

Anyway on a brighter note, I finally went to see I-Robot with my hubby. Loved it! Nice way to relax after a difficult week.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

You must be CRAZY

AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Is all I have to say about working for two neurotic bosses.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004


Well to say the least my mouth is still hurting. All I can say to those that told me the surgery would be a peice of cake and I would heal in 4 days, is 'yeah right'. Despite the ongoing pain, today has not been so bad. I left work early due to pain yesterday.

Today I started my new position that I was not thrilled about at first since it had been turned into a lateral move. I decided to pray about it and take it day by day, and what do you know looks like I will really enjoy this job. On the bright side I still get to have my own office (this time with a view). I am glad I did not have to revert back to cube dwelling.

Now I need to focus on what I want to get my next degree in. I never thought I would be a lost person, but I am now. I always knew what I wanted to do and how I would go about accomplishing it. It is very frustrating trying to find yourself or direct yourself in the right direction when you are not sure yourself. I feel like I am racing against the clock. I am at a very frustrating chapter in my life. Hopefully it does not last long! All I can do is take it day by day.