Thursday, September 09, 2004

What a Day

Hmmm, work was work as usual. Controlling egotistical boss that wants to control me. (Sound familiar)? I could not sleep well last night because of my job, and my stomach won't stop grumbling and gripping at me. This stress can't be healthy, especially for a job that you don't enjoy. I need to get the lead out and take the GRE so I can get on the right career path. What I am witnessing in psychiatry I am not liking. Maybe it is just where I am, but these people do not seem to care about the patients. It seems to be more about how many titles you have associated with your name, how many papers you have published, and grants gained in your name. Whatever happened to being passionate about helping people? I mean really it is bad. This is part of the cause of my career confusion.

Anyway on a brighter note, I finally went to see I-Robot with my hubby. Loved it! Nice way to relax after a difficult week.

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