Thursday, June 07, 2007

I passed my drug calculation test!

Wow, today was a very long day, but I do have reason to celebrate. I can take the drug calc. test off my plate because I passed it today. This test has to be passed with a 100% in order to be cleared for practice in clinicals. Well, it definitely feels good to have that one down the hatch. I also remembered that I had CPR class today--one more thing to get off of my schedule. The first CPR class that I was scheduled for I forgot about, because I was studying.

Now, I am focusing on the other four things left on my plate for right now. They are:
Health Assessment project
Health Assessment Exam #1
Dimensions Exam #1
Pharmacology Exam #1

Celebration for an accelerated student is very short lived. I have to get back to studying now so I can go to bed soon. I have been up since 5:30AM with 1 meal (bowl of canned Ravioli) all day. My goal is to make it to bed by 12AM!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

First day of classes

Well to say the least it was a very exciting week. Now down to bussiness our professors started us out behind, and we started classes in an all out sprint. Our classes are organized in such a way that I think you need an advanced degree to understand our schedules.

Amongst all of the chaos I have managed to meet 3 very knid and helpful ladies--also in my same exact situation. So you guessed it, yes we will be enduring this mess together.

On the second day I was given misinformation by one of the profs for an actual meeting place for a class. I knew the correct info. already, but outsmarted myself thinking she knew what she was talking about since she is one of the profs. for my program. Well, she had no clue what she was telling us--to make a long story short I missed 45 minutes of the class.

Then Saturday I was supposed to attend CPR classes. The classes began at 9AM. Well, I did not remember until that morning at 9:45AM. So now I have to reschedule my time, which compounds my study time, because boy are they pouring it on! Con you tell that I needed to vent--just a little;-)

Terrance, Micah, and the doggy boys have all been great helping me out however they can.

Stay tuned, because I assure you there will be a lot more to come as time permits. I am on a stuy break now.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Orientation in St. Louis

Orientation for school at St. Louis University (SLU) went really well. I left feeling very prepared and even more excited about this whole endeavor. All of my questions even things that I did not know I would have questions about were answered very well. The organization of the program and events surrounding this degree have convinced me that I chose wisely. This is an excellent program to become a part of.

There was an opportunity to meet my professors, classmates, and even speak with current students in the accelerated BSN program. It was very reassuring to speak with current students that are married, have kids, or were from out of town. Not to mention that my cousins Kevin and Leslie made getting around town a breeze.

I am definitely looking forward to getting this show on the road. I look forward to gaining another degree so that I may step forward in my career. I also anticipate gaining some new friends, and wonderful memories and experiences.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

So good I had to share

How do you listen?

Just finished an AMAZING workshop this weekend. All about empowerment and transformation.In any area of your life. Weight, health, body image, relationships, money, family, friends, career.You name it and it can be transformed!
I just got home and am exhausted but wanted to share a thought with you as you head into the week.

How do you listen?

Do you listen with the story of your past?
Do you listen with rage or resentment?
Do you listen with agenda and manipulation?
Do you listen with right and wrong? Disagree or agree?
Do you listen with what's in it for me?

The most powerful thing we can do for ourselves and another is listen. It is an active exercise - not a passive one. But often we listen out of our own past stories and beliefs. Rarely hearing what is really being said. Only hearing what we think we want to hear.
So today practice your listening. When a friend speaks. When your stomach growls. And really listen.What do you hear?And what action do you then take?

Or is listening enough?

Can you listen objectively and openly?

When people are truly heard they feel spectacular.See what sort of spectacular results you can create today.....

March 05, 2007 at 04:24am Permalink Comments (1)

Saturday, January 20, 2007

It just gets worse

I found out this month that Starting Over has been cancelled. Now I just found out that Dish Network will no longer be airing Court TV, due to contract negotiations. Dish Network states that Time Warner wants to increase the rate charged for this channel, and Dish (looking out for the best interest of its customers-yeah right) refuses to increase the rate. I can't believe this.

I guess this is my sign from up above that I need to start getting things in gear for school.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

School time is getting closer

Wow, about five months left and I am plunging back into school. I have it seems a million little and big things to get completed:

1. get apartment
2. find nanny/caregiver
3. make arrangements for doggy boys
4. renew CPR certification by July
5. get a physical--make sure all shots up-to-date by June
6. find Micah a doctor while out of town
7. make hotel arrangements for trip to school in March
8. call cousins

I will update as I make my way through this To Do list.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

I am heartbroken

I know I am late finding out this info, but I just found out that I will be searching forever for new episodes of Starting Over. You may ask why, if you are like me, unaware? The show has been cancelled. Now I can stop looking forward to the new episodes.

I verified the information on Rhonda's website- If you watched the show then of coarse you know who she is. For those that have no clue Rhonda Britten was a Life Coach on Starting Over. She was the creator of so many of the wonderful behavioral exercises that changed many of the women's lives and mine on the show.

If you did not get a chance to see this show it was a gem. I am sad to know that it is gone. Starting Over was my hour of therapy five days a week.

Feminine touch in power

Today the 110th Congress voted in the first woman Speaker of the House. As a woman myself interested in political issues and the issues woman face daily, I am very proud.

I feel that time was long overdue for America to invite the feminine touch into high power. Being a woman she already thought about the children inviting all present up to touch the Speaker's gavel. Awesome woman's touch-handling business, but still exhibiting a caring, thoughtful, nurturing nature.