Saturday, January 20, 2007

It just gets worse

I found out this month that Starting Over has been cancelled. Now I just found out that Dish Network will no longer be airing Court TV, due to contract negotiations. Dish Network states that Time Warner wants to increase the rate charged for this channel, and Dish (looking out for the best interest of its customers-yeah right) refuses to increase the rate. I can't believe this.

I guess this is my sign from up above that I need to start getting things in gear for school.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

School time is getting closer

Wow, about five months left and I am plunging back into school. I have it seems a million little and big things to get completed:

1. get apartment
2. find nanny/caregiver
3. make arrangements for doggy boys
4. renew CPR certification by July
5. get a physical--make sure all shots up-to-date by June
6. find Micah a doctor while out of town
7. make hotel arrangements for trip to school in March
8. call cousins

I will update as I make my way through this To Do list.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

I am heartbroken

I know I am late finding out this info, but I just found out that I will be searching forever for new episodes of Starting Over. You may ask why, if you are like me, unaware? The show has been cancelled. Now I can stop looking forward to the new episodes.

I verified the information on Rhonda's website- If you watched the show then of coarse you know who she is. For those that have no clue Rhonda Britten was a Life Coach on Starting Over. She was the creator of so many of the wonderful behavioral exercises that changed many of the women's lives and mine on the show.

If you did not get a chance to see this show it was a gem. I am sad to know that it is gone. Starting Over was my hour of therapy five days a week.

Feminine touch in power

Today the 110th Congress voted in the first woman Speaker of the House. As a woman myself interested in political issues and the issues woman face daily, I am very proud.

I feel that time was long overdue for America to invite the feminine touch into high power. Being a woman she already thought about the children inviting all present up to touch the Speaker's gavel. Awesome woman's touch-handling business, but still exhibiting a caring, thoughtful, nurturing nature.